A two years old male Pomarian dog named Shabby is missing from sector 4-R area Faridabad since Nov 27. 2013. This lost was wearing a black collar and a blue strap when disappeared. As per the owner, Shabby went out of home on 8 pm. He usually goes for his walk around the locality, in the park located at front side and comes back in 15 minutes. Shabby knows the locality well and comes back without any issues. On Nov 27., 2013, Shabby did not return.
The owner has searched around the the locality but nobody seems to have seen him. If you have seen this sod or find similar dog similar to Shabby, please contact Missing Dog Helpline or call the dog owner directly at 9711008998/ 9999814876/ 9910550254. Informer will be rewarded suitably by the dog owner.