A male golden Labrador dog Sandow is missing from Model Town, 3rd Stadium, New Delhi-110 009 since Feb 14, 2014 night.
Sandow unknowingly went out and never came back. He is a very quite dog and barks the least. Sandow was wearing a collar of army print and the collar had a black lock to it to tie it up. Sandow is 4 yeas old and generally responds to a certain whistle sound his master makes. He is not well trained but shakes hand well. The dog might have escaped from the open gate in the night. It was a rainy night and Sandow recognises all other dogs in the area and even the guards, the maids and almost every person near owner’s house. The owner suspects of abduction. In case of any information of this missing dog or similar lost found dog , please contact Missing Dog Helpline or call the owner directly at 01127420471.