A 6-8 years old male St Bernard dog “Sniffy” went missing from Kartar Nagar, Model Gram, Ludhaiana on Oct 19, 2016.
“He went out in the morning. He was in front of our eyes but little far. I went inside to take keys of two wheeler to follow him and get him back but suddenly within 2 mins he was disappeared. I tried to search him all way possible areas but didn’t got success. Please try to get him back if you find him. ”-Dog owner informed.
Sniffy was wearing a dark brown dog collar at the time of incident.
Please contact Missing Dog Helpline or call the dog owner directly at 9872 02 3288, 9872 93 2000 in case you have any information on whereabouts of Sniffy or similar St. Bernard dogs in Ludhiana and surrounding areas.