A 10 years old male Pomeranian dog Kkrish is missing from Pawanbhoomi Somalwada, Wardha road, Nagpur since July 28, 2015
As per the dog owner, at 1300 hrs a courier man came and left the gate open, Kkrish has a habit of escaping whenever there is a chance. He does it frequently and usually comes backs in 30 minutes. But when till 1500 hrs, Kkrish did not return, dog owner started searching for him and they search for him in 3 Kms. radius.
He was wearing of black dog collar when lost. Dog owner suspects of abduction.
Please contact Missing Dog Helpline or call the dog owner directly at 9423 63 0989 / 8087 64 4400 in case of any information on whereabouts on Kkrish.