A 5 years old light brown male Indian mixed breed dog “Nallam” is missing from Auroville, Tamilnadu since Sep 27, 2014.
“Nallam is very kind and loves people. He doesn’t understand when someone is going to throw him a stone like other indian dogs. We live in an area where he can roam around freely. He always comes back, since last 5 years. And suddenly he has vanished. Nobody has seen him. We definitely think he has been abducted. Even though he might look like a belgium shepherd he is a mix of mixes. A Big dog weighing about 30 kg.” Says the dog owner.
Nallam is a trained dog and understands basic commands like Down, Come, Sit, Wait, Stay, Out in english. He was wearing a black dog collar at the time of incident. Please contact Missing Dog Helpline or call the dog owner directly at 7639282889 in case of any information on whereabouts of this or similar dogs in this area.