
Pet shop


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Welcome to Pet Shop – Your Pet’s Paradise in the Heart of Bengaluru!

Discover a World of Pet Delights at Our Cox Town Haven:
Located at Muthamma Garden, 1/1-7, PSK Naidu Rd, Doddigunta, Cox Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005, Pet Shop is more than just a store; it’s a haven for pet enthusiasts.

A Culinary Wonderland – Food and Nutrition Galore:
Indulge your pets in a gastronomic adventure with our wide array of premium pet foods. We believe in offering the best in nutrition to keep your furry friends healthy and happy.

Treats and Dietary Supplements – Pamper Your Pets:
Spoil your companions with our delectable treats and essential dietary supplements. From training rewards to health-boosting supplements, we have a treat for every occasion.

️ Accessories – Stylish Comfort for Your Companions:
Enhance your pet’s lifestyle with our fashionable accessories. Choose from trendy collars, durable leashes, comfortable beds, engaging toys, and stylish bowls to add flair to their daily routine.

Grooming Tools – Spa Treatment for Your Pets:
Give your pets the pampering they deserve with our specialized grooming tools. From luxurious shampoos to grooming brushes, we have everything you need to keep your pets looking and feeling their best.

Pet Clothing – Fashion Forward for Furry Friends:
Make a style statement with our trendy and comfortable clothing range. Let your pets strut their stuff in the latest fashion, because who says fashion is only for humans?

Healthcare Products, Medications, and Supplements:
Prioritize your pet’s health with our extensive range of healthcare products, medications, and supplements. We are dedicated to providing the best care for your pets.

Flea and Tick Control – Shielding Against Unwanted Guests:
Ensure a pest-free environment for your pets with our effective flea and tick control solutions. We understand the importance of keeping your pets comfortable and protected.

Step into Pet Shop, where every product is chosen with care, and every corner echoes with love for pets. Your pe
